Specialist Disability Accomodation (SDA) Construction


At Redwood D+C, we believe that everyone deserves a place to call home—a sanctuary that isn’t just accessible but truly accommodating of their unique needs and dreams. Our Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is more than just construction; it’s a pledge to build inclusive, warm, and inviting spaces where individuals with disabilities can flourish, feel secure, and be themselves.

Our approach to SDA is deeply rooted in understanding and empathy. We collaborate closely with healthcare professionals, accessibility experts, and, most importantly, the individuals and families we serve, ensuring that every home we craft is perfectly tailored to its residents. From broad doorways and accessible bathrooms to sensory rooms and smart home technologies, we incorporate thoughtful features that make daily life not just easier, but joyous.

But it’s the little touches that make our homes special. Whether it’s a customised kitchen that inspires culinary adventures or a garden designed for peaceful reflection, we strive to add elements that spark joy and enable independence. Our goal is to create spaces where every moment is an opportunity for happiness and personal growth.

At Redwood D+C, we’re not just building homes; we’re creating the foundations for a fulfilling life. Join us in our mission to make every home a place of love, laughter, and endless possibilities.